We help dental clinics achieve a thrilling ROI through expert paid advertising.

Stop wasting time and money on flawed, ineffective advertising campaigns.

It’s time to value your advertising budget, scale your practice, and boost your patient appointments.

Our philosophy

We specialize in working with dental clinics to deliver the best results through paid advertising.

We eliminate the inefficiencies and outdated practices that hinder most agencies.

Develop an advertising strategy that allows you to dominate your competitors.

What We Offer

Paid Advertising

Ads, only ads.

We focus exclusively on paid advertising, and we do it better than anyone else. If you’re looking for an agency that offers a one-stop solution for all services that won’t move the needle, we’re not for you.

If you want an agency where you can easily see how much you spent, how much you earned, and your net profit, we’re for you.

Schedule your call

Free 90 Minute Demo Call​

By the end of this audit call, you’ll understand the next steps to start generating consistent, reliable results online with effective funnels and paid advertising tailored for your dental clinic.

Find a moment in your calendar to schedule your call today.

Our Services ​


The core of our services, all our marketing strategies are based on high ROI and re-targeting through Facebook ads.

Creation and DESIGN of advertisements

There can be no effective advertising without effective creative & copy, which is why it is our concern to carry out the services of creating, designing and optimizing the advertisement.

Audience research and management

Constant research and refinement of the ideal audience to target


Configurations of your advertising campaigns within your ads manager.


Daily optimization of ads with the highest ROI.


Analysis of the results monthly with the team, providing a clear and precise overview of the results.

Analysis of the results monthly with the team, providing a clear and precise overview of the results.

Are you struggling to attract high-quality clients to your dental clinic through ad campaigns?

Ad Astra Agency specializes in crafting effective paid Facebook advertisements that target prime clients focused on service quality.

Watch this video to see how we can help optimize your ads, reduce costs, and boost your ROI. Don’t compete on price schedule a discovery call with us today!

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Ad Astra Agency
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